Welcome to THE SNASKSEUM - the world’s most bold museum, hidden in a toilet!
Need a break? Our WC is the perfect spot to drop some fresh ideas!
Upcoming Events
World Toilet Day
19. November 2024 00:00
On November 19, we’ll celebrate World Toilet Day! This day is all about recognizing the importance of safe and clean toilets for everyone. Many people around the world still don’t have access to a proper toilet, which is essential for health and dignity. World Toilet Day raises awareness and reminds us that we need to keep working toward safe toilets for everyone. We’ll make it special by celebrating into the night – just like New Year’s Eve! We’ll have a countdown on the evening of November 18 and when midnight comes, we’ll welcome World Toilet Day with energy and excitement. It’s a chance to have fun while supporting an important cause.
And to kick things off, November 18 is also the grand opening of THE SNASKSEUM!
Museum Opening
18. November 2024 18:00
On November 18, the wait is over – THE SNASKSEUM is opening its door! This isn’t just any grand opening. Freddie Öst and Erik Kockum, the creative minds behind SNASK, are coming all the way from Stockholm to the cozy town of Hallein to celebrate with us. That alone makes them officially 100 times cooler than Will Ferrell! But there's more: Freddie and Erik will be giving what might just be the coziest and most inspiring design talk ever at the Multi Awesome Studio.
Visitor Info
only with PRE-REGISTRATION (except it's an emergency)
Admission Prices
€ 120.00
Groups (10 max)
€ 100.00
Youth 19 – 24
€ 50.00
Planning to visit? Just drop us a note beforehand!
Wir sind Fans von Daniel, Freddie, Erik, Stockholm, interessanten Klos und unseretwegen auch Hallein.